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Feeding the leaves of wheat and barley
Calculation of programs for 1 hectare
After the release of wheat, barley, 10-15 cm. 300 liters of water per 1 hectare
AGRUMAX (N+P2O5+Mgo+B+Fe+Mn+Zn+EDTA) 500g
FULVIMAX (organic matter 40,8 %) 500ml
NITROKAL( N 9%, CaO 10%,MgO 5%, molybdenum 0,07%) 500ml
Super K (K2O 40%, P2O2 5%) 500ml
INFERTIS-GR (sulfur 90%) 500g
With these fertilizers, you can increase yields.
Price for 1 hectare: 10 470 tg
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Kazpost (goods weighing up to 10 kg)
Taxi via the Indriver app (in Shymkent and Turkestan region)
Pickup from the office of Shymkent, Tamerlanovskoe highway 252
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