1.25-40 days after the cotton came out. For 1 hectare 200 liters of water Phoskraft Mn-Zn (P2O5 30%,N 3%,Mn 5%,Zn 5%) 500g Bio Energy (organic matter 40%) 300g Fulvimax (organic matter 64.6%) 300g Infertis (S 90%) 500g
2.Before flowering. For 1 hectare 300 liters of water Sprayfert 312 (complex) 500g Aminostim (organic matter 80% ) 500g Etidot-67 (Boron 21% ) 500g Infertis (S 90%) 500g Nitrokal (Cao+Mgo+Mo ) 500g
3.Promotes improved cotton fiber quality and early harvest: 300 liters per 1 hectare Super K( P2O2 5%, K 40%) 1 liters Nitrokal (Cao+Mgo+Mo ) 500g Infertis (S 90%)